About Us

About Us

AAKAR is a multi service conglomerate. AAKAR,
a well managed Ahmedabad based company doing Colour coating work with
extra smooth finishing. The technocrats continuously exploring various
techniques to provide a new look to the finished products. Our Q.C
guarantees the stringent quality standards and provide capability to
control variation in coating parameters as part of Quality Policy.

What do we specialize in?

AAKAR is Specialized in providing customized coating shades, have a strong R & D, commitment to legal compliances, long term relationships with customers and suppliers, achieving excellence by continuous improvement and commitment towards environment,health and safety of workers. 

How processes are carried out?

Proprietary technology developed to give additional gloss, sheen and vibrancy in end product. Various processes are carried out depending upon the nature of the Article, it’s application, Environmental aspects and physical as well as Chemical properties.